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Isnin, 31 Oktober 2011

MCA Menghina Islam, Umno Membisu.

Oleh Ustaz Idris Ahmad


Di mana suara Umno ketika MCA biadab dengan Islam? Di manakah NGO Pro Umno ketika pemimpin MCA menghina Islam degan penuh emosi?. Kenapa mereka menikus?. Apakah MCA berani menghina Islam kerana diberi lesen oleh Umno? Kenapa Umno tidak memberi amaran kepada MCA? Apakah kerana takut kehilangan pengaruh dan meraih undi, maka Umno membisu, asalkan matlamat politik mereka tercapai walaupun Islam dihina.
Kenyataan terbaru Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek yang menghina Islam, kononnya dengan hukum Islam akan menjejaskan ekonomi dan membawa kemunduran. Ini bukan pertama kali Presiden MCA menghina Islam. Ketika pilihanraya kecil Tenang beliau menghina Islam apabila Cikgu Normala Sudirman tidak mahu bersalam dengan lelaki.

Cuba bayangkan jika kenyataan ini dikeluarkan oleh pemimpin DAP atau pemimpin PKR, maka sudah tentu akan diadakan demontrasi di KOMTAR Pulau Pinang oleh tukang juak-juak mereka.

Dimanakah suara NGO Umno yang berkobar-kobar untuk mempertahankan Islam ketika program HIMPUN 22 hb Oktober 2011.

Setakat hari ini kita belum dengar lagi suara Perkasa, YB Zulkifli Nordin, Dr Rhidwan Tee, Tan Sri Ibrahim Abu Shah dan kuncu-kuncu mereka.

Apakah MCA boleh menghina Islam, orang lain tidak boleh? Amat malang kepada kita jika kita ada orang yang mempunyai otak asabiah yang membuta tuli seperti ini. Kita akan dengar lagi selepas ini kenyataan yang lebih dahsyat kepada Islam, jika pemimpin MCA melihat sokongan orang bukan Islam masih tidak lari daripada menyokong Pakatan Rakyat menjelang PRU 13.

Hudud turns back the clock star 29/10/11

JOHOR BARU: PAS’ intention to carry out hudud law will cause the nation to backslide and scare away investors, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

The impact would be great on foreign direct investments and also tourists who would shy away, he said, adding that several countries practising hudud law were backward except for their rich natural resources.

Speaking to reporters after attending a function at the Hock Lin Gong Chinese temple here yesterday, Dr Chua stressed that even non-Muslims in the country would be affected, especially in terms of economy and education.

Medical aid: Dr Chua checking on Ng Dee Eng, 47, after presenting a 1MCA Medical Foundation cheque to her in Batu Pahat on Thursday.

“It is misleading and a lie to say that the implementation of hudud will not affect non-Muslims,” he said.

He criticised the DAP for its inconsistency as the party did not support hudud law but was willing to help PAS leaders win the election by asking the Chinese to support them.

At the event, Dr Chua promised an allocation of RM30,000 for the temple which was celebrating its 20th anniversary.

In Batu Pahat, Dr Chua said the financial management of Pakatan Rakyat-controlled states was still lacking.

Referring to the Auditor-General’s Report 2010, he noted that a Selangor state-run agency lost RM200mil while the Penang government had yet to build affordable houses for the rakyat.
The populist policy being practised by the Pakatan Rakyat had not solved anything, he added.

“They give RM100 to the elderly once a year and another RM100 for people to go shopping. This does not solve anything at all but merely a feel-good factor to the rakyat and is quite misleading,” he said during a 1MCA Medical Foundation dinner on Thursday.

He also said that the people wanted to see changes and the Government had listened to their feedback.
“The only thing that has yet to be transformed is the Pakatan Rakyat,” he said.

Under the transformation programmes introduced by the Prime Minister, he said the rakyat could see the changes.

“The economic, social and political landscape in Malaysia is being transformed. We have attracted many foreign direct investments for the country to achieve high-income status while creating a more democratic society,” he said.

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