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Jumaat, 4 Januari 2013

Indian politician attacked for alleged involvement in rape

Police in India have arrested a leader of the ruling Congress party on accusations he raped a woman in a village in the early hours of the morning. 

Footage aired on Indian television showed the extraordinary scene of local women surrounding the man, ripping off his shirt and repeatedly slapping him across the face.
Police said the man, Bikram Singh Brahma, was visiting the village of Santipur on the Bhutan border, when he allegedly entered a woman's house and raped her at about 2 a.m. local time (2030GMT Wednesday).
A senior police officer in the area said villagers ran to the home when they heard the screams, and captured the man.
Later in the day the man was filmed being beaten by villagers with sticks, and slapped by local women.
The arrest was a sign that attitudes towards such behaviour might be changing, with even powerful men being held accountable for their actions.

There have been widespread protests across India in the wake of the gang rape of a 23-year-old university student on a New Delhi bus, who later died of her injuries.
The crime horrified Indians and provoked a national debate about the treatment of women.
Protesters are demanding tough new rape laws, better police protection for women, and a sustained campaign to change society's views about women.
Authorities on Thursday filed rape and murder charges against five men accused of the attack on the student.
Police said they plan to push for the death penalty in the case, as government officials promised new measures to protect women in the nation's capital.
Source: APTN


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