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Khamis, 17 Januari 2013

Kenapa Kita Perlu Boikot L'Oreal?

1. Kilang L’Oreal didirikan di atas tanah Palestin yang dirampas pada tahun 1952 (Al-Mujaydil)

2. Untuk mengukuhkan kehadirannya L’Oreal Israel ditubuhkan pada tahun 1994 dengan menghasilkan barangan kecantikan dari garam Laut Mati – yang dirampas dari Tebing Barat, Palestin.

3. L’Oreal menganugerahkan hadiah inisiatif penyelidikan kepada Weizmann Institute of Science yang membangunkan senjata kimia, biologi dan nuklear yang digunakan untuk membunuh rakyat Palestin.

GARNIER adalah produk L’Oreal dan dinasihatkan duta produk Garnier menamatkan kontrak sebagai duta syarikat pembunuh rakyat Palestin itu. Baca lanjut… Why boycott L’Oreal?

L’Oreal has been present in Israel since 1983 via the Migdal Ha’Emek plant. The settlement of this town was established in 1952 on lands belonging to the ethnically cleansed Palestinian village of al-Mujaydil, whose inhabitants are still denied the right to return to their homes.

Like many other Israeli settlements in Palestinian villages, Migdal Ha-emek discriminates against Palestinian citizens of Israel, denying them the right to buy, rent or live on any part of the town, simply because they are “non Jews”.

To reinforce its presence in the country, it established L’Oreal Israel in 1994. L’Oreal Israel manufacturers a line of products using minerals that are from the Dead Sea. This line is called ‘Natural Sea Beauty’ that is exported to 22 countries.

What is not known is that one third of the western shore of the Dead Sea lies in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. This part of the Dead Sea is closed to the Palestinians by Israeli military occupation and apartheid practices, while Israel uses the Dead Sea for international tourism, mining and other business activities.

L’Oreal has also awarded a $100,000 “lifetime achievement” award to a scientist at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science in July 2008. The Weizmann Institute has been a major centre for clandestine research and development of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons on behalf of Israel’s military with which it has close ties.

For these reasons, VPM calls upon the consumers of Malaysia and all over the world to boycott all products from L’Oreal.

As an extra note, The Body Shop is now under the L’Oreal company, as well as Giorgio Armani Perfumes, Redken 5th Avenue NYC, Lancome Paris, Vichy, Cacharel, La Roche-Posay, Garnier, Biotherm, Helena Rubinstein, Maybelline, Ralph Lauren Perfumes, Carson.

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