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Selasa, 17 September 2013

Naga Yang Dihasilkan Daripada 10,000 Batang Chopstick

Naga adalah satu haiwan mistik yang sangat popular di negeri China. Walaupun rupa sebenar naga tidak pernah dilihat, namun demikian motif naga sering digunakan dalam penghasilan hasil seni kreatif. Contohnya kali ini kami nak kongsikan kepada anda naga yang dihasilkan daripada 10 ribu batang penyepit (chopstick). Apa yang lebih menarik adalah orang ramai turut sama diber peluang dalam proses menghasilkan naga berkenaan. Setiap penonton diberi 2 batang chopstick dan mereka perlu meletakkan chopstick berkenaan di tempat yang telah disediakan. Jom kita lihat bagaimana rupa naga berkenaan.

This giant dragon sculpture is an innovative creation made completely out of 10,000 chopsticks. Simply called Chopsticks Dragon, the piece was developed to promote the opening of Aziatage Café, located in Yekaterinburg, Russia, which opened its doors in the spring of 2012 on the Day of the Dragon. In honor of the celebration and to attract the attention of residents in the area, Russia-based agency StreetArt assisted advertising agency Voskhod in producing the interactive piece.
During the public art installation, spectators were invited to participate in the creation of the legendary mythological creature. Each person was presented with a pair of chopsticks and asked to place the first one in an existing slot on the board while making a wish. The second served as an incentive to visit the café, offering a 10% discount on their next meal. The final piece was installed next to the main entrance and serves as a visually enticing advertisement. If interested, you can check out the creative process in the video below.





StreetArt on Behance

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