Heart River rises in the prairie country of Billings County, in the
Little Missouri National Grassland near the south unit of Theodore
Roosevelt National Park. It flows generally eastwardly through Stark
County to Gladstone, past Belfield and South Heart, through the
Patterson Reservoir and past Dickinson.
is joined by the Green River at Gladstone, and turns east-southeastward
into Grant County, passing through Lake Tschida, which is formed by the
Heart Butte Dam. Below this dam, the river turns northeastward into
Morton County, where it joins the Missouri at Mandan.

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Sungai Jantung meningkat di negara padang rumput Billings County, Missouri Little Negara padang rumput berhampiran unit selatan Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Ia mengalir umumnya eastwardly melalui Stark County Gladstone, Belfield lalu dan Jantung Selatan, melalui takungan Patterson dan Dickinson lalu.
Ia disertai oleh Sungai Hijau di Gladstone, dan bertukar timur-tenggara ke Grant County, melalui Tasik Tschida, yang dibentuk oleh Empangan Butte Jantung. Berikut empangan ini, sungai bertukar timur laut ke Morton County, di mana ia menyertai Missouri di Mandan.
Sumber: Amazing World
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